Entrepreneurship.  Connection.  Opportunity.

Neurodivergent-centered Business & Mindset Coaching.


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Imagine with me, for a moment…

You attend a networking experience that is nourishing, replenishing, and easy.

You belong to a community where you get to be you–your whole, wonderful, expansive, neurodivergent self.

Your ideas and innovation are valued, affirmed, and supported.

You find professionals who are neurodivergent, speaking a similar language and brains vibing on similar wavelengths.

You recieve a wealth of resources for your business and your career that are created by and for neurodivergent folx.

You meet other professionals and entrepreneurs who are radically committed to liberation, anti-oppression, and accessibility.


Welcome to the new standard.


Welcome to a new culture.


Welcome to your community.


Welcome, to the NeuroDefiant Collective.


Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You’re an adult who is exploring your neurodivergence or you have come into your Autistic/ADHD identity in adulthood.

You’ve worked a bunch of different jobs, roles, industries and nothing seems like a right fit.

Or maybe you found a fantastic role but the workplace culture was not inclusive.

Or maybe the role and the workplace culture were amazing but the company was just not willing to accommodate your needs and so that employer was inaccessible.

And maybe you’ve turned to entrepreneurship, self-employment, or contract work in order to give yourself the flexibility and accommodations you need but you don’t exactly resonate with all the teachings around marketing and hustle & grind culture.

Maybe you’ve been longing to experience belonging; for a community where you can learn, grow, and connect with others like you…but past experiences and/or the fear of not fitting, or having to mask, or doing a ton of emotional labor, or sacrificing time you could be engaging in your passion projects, just keeps you stuck.

I hear you.

Peopleing can be exhausting.


And sometimes, you find YOUR people, and they give you life!


Because here is truth that I NEED you to know in your bones:

It’s not your fault.


The inaccessible workplace, the exclusive culture, the feeling of alienation, the coaching to “correct/teach soft skills,” the difficulty with communication, the messaging of too-muchness, the distrust of group spaces…It is not your fault.

The root of all of this pain we have survived are systems of oppression and the myth of The One Right Way perpetuated by the dominant culture.


We developed the NeuroDefiant Collective program in response to  listening to so many clients, creators on social media, and neurodivergent thought leaders lament the lack of business resources specifically designed for neurodivergent entrepreneurs and professionals.

Expansive Expressions is working actively to address the staggering rates of un/under employment among neurodivergent and disabled adults.

We created this space to equip, empower, and embrace entrepreneurs who have been historically excluded from entrepreneurial resources, methodologies, and conversations.

Expansive Expressions unapologetically supports women-owened, LGBTQIA2S-owned, gender expansive-owned, neurodivergent-owned, disabled-owned, BIPOC-owned businesses and works to assist them in not only surviving beyond the first couple of years but in thriving as a prosperous and sustainable business.

We are all the way done with mediocre white men having all the financial power, access, and leverage.

Are you ready for another option?


We are transforming culture for neurodivergent & disabled entrepreneurs.


We are gathering and creating the resources and support systems we need to help us thrive.


We are cultivating spaces–designed by us and for us–where we can learn how to start, sustain, and scale our businesses, neurodivergently.


We are all worthy of having more easeful, gentle, and fulfilling lives.



The NeuroDefiant Collective is a monthly Group Coaching membership for neurodivergent & disabled entrepreneurs and professionals.


We center anti-oppressive, ethical commerce, consent-based, neuroinclusive, accessible, equitable, non-exploitative business practices.

Here’s what’s packed inside the NeuroDefiant Collective Group Coaching Program:

    • Weekly live group Business/Mindset/Networking Coaching calls each month – Wednesdays @ 11am Central Time
    • Private Online Community space
    • Custom Downloads & Practices
    • 2 Weekly Co-working / body-doubling sessions – Mondays 2-4pm Central; Thursdays 12-2pm Central
    • Monthly social support circle – Every 3rd Tuesday 6-7:30pm Central
    • Access to a collective of entrepreneurs and professionals to brainstorm with, to market research, to share offers, and more!
    • A community of like-brained entrepreneurs & professionals to build, heal, grow, and connect with

Membership Pricing: 

    •  Platinum Tier: + 1x monthly 50min 1:1 coaching
      • $497/monthly
      • $5,964/annual
    • Gold Tier: + 1x monthly 30min 1:1 coaching
      • $397/monthly
      • $4,764/ annual
    • Diamond Tier
      • $297/monthly
      • $3,564/annual

We offer a tiered investment structure that accounts for various class and financial realities inspired by the Wort + Cunning Apothecary Sliding Scale model.

Click here to learn more about the NeuroDefiant Collective fee scale.

Members may join at any time; NeuroDefiant Collective membership is monthly; if you wish to stop your membership, you must give 30 days notice.

Referral Program:

    • For each registered member who refers a friend who completes registration, BOTH will receive a free 30min 1:1 coaching session with Jennifer
    • Example: If a member refers 4 people who all join, each of the 4 friends get one (1), 30min 1:1 coaching session and the referring member gets four (4), 30min 1:1 sessions.
    • If you are referred, be sure to include the name of the member who you referred on your intake survey!

Group Coaching Topics Include:

    • Business Essentials
    • NeuroDefiant Marketing
    • Covering your Assets w/ Legal Protections
    • Worthiness
    • Building your Audience
    • Pricing your Products & Services
    • Burnout-proofing Your Business
    • Hiring Staff
    • Systems & Strategies
    • Surfacing your Strengths
    • Money Mindset
    • Practicing Visibility
    • Creating Sustainability
    • Transparency in Business
    • Networking Neurodivergently
    • Embracing Expansiveness
    • Leveraging Your Amazing Brain
    • Business start-up/Scale to next level

“You’ve created something so powerful here, Jennifer, in this neurodivergent-centered space. You know there is an art and science of facilitating group space and some people have the science down, you create both.

This space feels “emotionally clean.” Like I don’t have to do any extra emotional labor to be present and I don’t feel depleted after. Usually I would come away from groups like this and literally replay in a photographic memory the whole thing, hoping that I was empathic enough, hoping that I was compassionate enough, hoping that I check the neurotypical boxes and behave as expected—all unconsciously. And with this group, when my brain started to do all that it just kind of fizzled out, because I’m aware of the shared neurodivergent experience among us here.

And this is actually a group where I can show myself as is, and it’s ok, I’m enough. And that’s really powerful.”


“I can’t tell you how freeing it is to realize I’m coming into a neurodivergent affirming and run space where I don’t have to mask or write scripts or censor myself…I love it here and we haven’t even begun day 1 yet!”

Group Coaching Client

“It’s amazing!!!! Thank you for creating such an affirming and magical space for people to be their amazing, authentic selves! 😍”
Jae Mira

“Jennifer the fact that you are so vulnerable and transparent about your process and entrepreneurship journey emboldens me, and gives me permission to break out of perfection paralysis. Thank you!!!”

Group Coaching Client

Why an application process?

The brief application process allows us to guage an applicant’s alignment for this coaching program and community.

It also allows us to connect with folx who are truly aligned with the core values of the neurodivergent, collective care ecosystem we are co-creating.

This is not meant to be an exclusionary process, just an informative process for everyone involved.  It is central to our business practices to be consent-based and provide clients with all they need to make an informed decision about their investments of time, money, and energy.




The Structure

The NeuroDefiant Collective is the largest of the group coaching and community spaces I have created.

There are 3-4 weekly live coaching calls a month with the 1st week of every month off for implementation and self-paced exercises.  

Clients may bring their questions, challenges, areas to troubleshoot to live coaching, or ask ahead of time.  This is the space where we work through our mindset barriers, our business challenges, and co-create a practice of doing business neuroinclusively.

Along with the coaching, there are workbooks and exercises designed to get you thinking, visioning, and grounding in your goals.

The private online community space has a community feed  where members can share wins, goals, challenges, ask questions, exchange resources, post memes, and cheer each other on.

We ALL have valuable things to offer each other.  When we have opportunities to teach what we have learned, it helps us synthesize the materials and as building communities of collective care is central to our mission, it is another way for entrepreneurs to build their network.

 The online community serves as a central hub of relationship building and resource sharing.

Why Mindset & Entrepreneurship?

The journey of entrepreneurship will find, test, and  stretch every vulnerable corner of our being.

Don’t believe me?  Ask any entrepreneur who is historically undercapitalized and underresourced and they will tell you the same!

There are also unique beliefs, access, and strategy challenges neurodivergent & disabled adults face: around money, around worthiness, around our abilities, around our effectiveness, around our human connections.  Toxic messaging from ableism, capitalism, white supremacy, the patriarchy, and racism can hold us back from being our fullest most dynamic selves.  It can be louder than the truth, it can make us feel like an impostor, it can destroy our dreams.

What we think and believe about ourselves and money, innovation, ability, etc–we learn from the family who raised us, religion, society, culture, and other messaging from the systems we live in, systems of oppression.

If we do not do diligent work to explore and liberate our mindsets, it will cost us dearly in our businesses and deserve every opportunity to thrive, neuroDefiantly!!

So we couple mindset work with practical business building skills because we see them as inextricably interconnected.

There is something powerful when we can gather with others and share a piece of our experience and then receive the medicinal “me toos” in response.  These spaces are especially important for those of us who have lived most of our lives feeling like aliens or failed humans or not fitting anywhere.

If you can relate to any of that, this space is for you!

The Content

Each live group coaching call we will be learning business and mindset essentials and working through challenges together.

Another resource available is weekly Co-working sessions which are held Mondays from 2-4pm CST over Zoom.  We have a brief check-in at the beginning where folx can share their goals for the time, and then cameras and mics off we get to work.

Many neurodivergent folx find co-working as a helpful motivation and accountability tool and it’s perfect for getting down to business with those tasks that maybe are not your favorite but gotta get done!


The Culture

The NeuroDefiant Collective is a space that centers a set of community standards based on anti-oppressive, anti-racist, non-ableist, neurodivergent-affirming, growth mindset, restorative justice, and collective care.  All members must agree to abide by these values.

This is a space for growth and learning and there may be times when a gentle teaching is necessary to help others understand terms that are outdated or ableist, etc.  This includes your facilitator–they welcome gentle calling in where there is opportunity to learn.

We do not tone-police in this space and I encourage everyone to be present with the best intentions and assume others are acting with the best intentions as well.

We center harm reduction, anti-oppressive, ethical commerce, consent-based, neuroinclusive, accessible, equitable, non-exploitative business practices.

If there are concerns about someone’s safety, unkind behavior, disregard for our community values, please bring them to me and I will address them.

Please note, this is not a therapy group and I am not anyone’s therapist.  I am a coach and this space is considered a group coaching/collective care space.


Your Facilitator

Hi!  I’m Jennifer, and my pronouns are she/they.  I am a queer, fat, Autistic & ADHD, dynamically disabled entrepreneur and Expansive Mindset Coach.  In June 2022 I retired from a 15 year career as a complex trauma therapist specializing in religious trauma & deconstruction.

In 2017 I opened my own private practice which thrived–even through pivoting to telehealth during the pandemic–for five years until I retired.  I learned a lot about business through that experience as well as through the business coaching and training I have invested in over the years.

I have been facilitating group spaces since I was a teenager organizing peer groups at school and at the camp I worked at during the summer.  In 2010 I founded a creative writing circle that I continued facilitating weekly until 2017–through this space many writers found their voice, grew in their identities, and developed deep community together.

Professionally I have created and held group space for incarcerated teens, incarcerated mothers, therapy groups for those recovering from religion, affinity groups for neurodivergent folx and queer & trans folx, and grief art process groups.

I am drawn to group work because of the power of collective care, of solidarity, of medicinal me toos, of people hearing others facing the same challenges, of celebrating ah-ha moments and breakthroughs together.


Group Dynamics

Groups can be an intimidating space, especially when we enter into a group not knowing any one else there.

Groups can be a harmful disaster when there are not specific values and agreements that are practiced and upheld.

Groups can be anxiety-provoking when they are not facilitated in a way that makes room for everyone to participate and only a few people take up all the space.

We are mindful of these possibilities and intentional about setting the expectations and boundaries of a group space.

We share a set of collective care agreements like: 

  • Be mindful of your own capacity and do what you need to support yourself

  • Camera is optional

  • Say a brief content note ahead of potentially triggering shares

  • Speak from your own lived experience

  • Ask consent before asking someone questions about their share

  • Outside of this space, share the lessons not the content

  • You are welcome to share vocally or in the chat or via reactions or simply in your presence

Members will have the option of pre-submitting questions they’d like workshopped, or raising their hand to workshop their question or challenge live in the group.

Six Practices

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I have to Apply to Join?

The brief application process allows me to guage an applicant’s commitment level to the membership program.

It also allows me to screen folx for those who are truly aligned with the core values of the neurodivergent ecosystem we are co-creating.

This is not meant to be an exclusionary process, just an informative process for everyone involved.

Are There Scholarships for NeuroDefiant Collective?

No.  I do not have scholarships available for the NeuroDefiant Collective.

There is a tiered fee scale inspired by the Wort + Cunning Apothecary sliding scale model that factors into account the variations in access, financial priviledge, and class of clients.  You can learn more about that model HERE.

What is the Referral Program?

When you register and refer a friend who registers, you both get 1 free 30-min, 1:1, laser coaching session with Jennifer as a Thank You perk!  

Each referring individual will get an additional 30-min, 1:1 laser coaching session for each friend who registers and gives their name as the referring client.

There is no cash exchange or transfer of 30-min coaching perk.

Do You Provide Refunds?

No.  There are no refunds or transfers of fees.

Online programming offers instant access to community, course material, and other resources that clients are able to immediately consume.

I stand by the value of transformation that is possible for clients who work with me.  When there is an issue or concern I invite clients to bring the matter to me so I may address it, consider where I need to make changes, and go from there.

What if I have More Questions?

I welcome all questions to be emailed to me at: jennifer @ ExpansiveMindsetCoaching .com

Alternatively, if you prefer to schedule a free 20min Curiosity call to talk through your questions, just click the button below to book an appointment.

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